A Man’s Guide to Dealing With ED

A Man’s Guide to Dealing With ED

by Men's Health Clinic

So you recently found out that you have erectile dysfunction. Do not be surprised; you’re not alone. About 40 percent of Australian men struggle with varying degrees of ED. Unfortunately, ED has affected millions of men and their loved ones, causing a lot of psychological and emotional issues. 

If you’re a man with ED, you must find it within yourself to take it head on. ED won’t fix itself, and learning how to manage it is the key to keeping it from being a massive burden in your life. Here are some pointers on how to deal with ED. 

Know Your Enemy 

Erectile dysfunction can be such a complicated problem because there are varying degrees to it, and it can be caused by very different factors. To make matters worse, there are lots of misconceptions about ED to the point that self-diagnosing would likely cause you to try solutions that are either ineffective or unsafe. 

Take some time to research about ED. You can look up credible sources online or, better yet, go see a doctor to ask for more information about it. The more you know about it, the easier it is to make informed decisions on how to manage it. Doing so also helps you demystify the problem, allowing you to treat it as any other condition instead of an unwinnable situation. 

Set Your Expectations 

Some men think it’s impossible to get rid of ED and they give up the fight too soon. On the other hand, there are also men who believe that it’s possible to cure ED in a very short amount of time. Having unrealistic expectations on ED management will lead to plenty of disappointments and missed opportunities to recover faster. 

ED is a treatable condition, but it will take some time and commitment on your part. Effective management not only involves getting the right medication, but also going to therapy and making lifestyle changes. The road to recovery could be a lengthy process, so do not feel frustrated that the problem is gone within days. 

Seek Help from Experts 

Dealing with ED is difficult if you’re doing it alone. Aside from having limited access to information about the problem, there are also certain procedures and products that you may not be aware of. Unfortunately, most men are too embarrassed about their situation, so they end up trying to seek solutions on their own. 

Like with any health-related problem, trying to manage ED is a lot better if you have an expert helping you out. Don’t be afraid to reach out to a doctor for advice or treatment options. For example, Men’s Health Clinic has a team of experts that can thoroughly assess your needs so they can come up with a treatment plan that best suits your needs. 

Be Honest with Your Partner 

You may be the one with erectile dysfunction, but even your partner will be affected by your problem. They might feel like it’s their lack of skill or affection that caused your ED, or they may feel unsatisfied in the bedroom because of your performance in bed. You must remember that honesty is key to a healthy relationship, and that also means coming out clean with your ED. 

Telling your partner about your ED is also the best time to educate them about it. Share what you know about ED and talk about possible things in your life that may have caused it. More importantly, let them know that you are already on your path to recovery, and that you are trying not just for yourself, but also for the sake of improving your relationship. 

Work “Around” the Limitations of Your ED 

Managing erectile dysfunction also involves finding ways to improve your performance in bed despite your current limitations. For example, you can ask your partner to try certain sex positions that you find more arousing, allowing you to achieve or maintain erection a bit longer. You could even explore roleplay or other fetishes that you may find more stimulating than the usual. Every bit of extra stimulation helps. 

Aside from penetrative sex, you can also work on other parts of lovemaking. Improving your foreplay makes it easier for you and your partner to feel aroused, while oral sex and hand stimulation can also be used to bring your partner to orgasm without having to worry about your own erection. Last but not the least, you can look up concentration techniques that will allow you to focus on the pleasurable sensation of sex instead of being bothered by the pressure of trying to achieve an erection. 


Remember that ED should not be something that dictates your sexuality and your confidence as a man, and that you can do something about it. The road to recovery may be long and challenging, but it’s not impossible, especially with help from experts and support from your loved ones. 

Do not let ED hold you back. Men’s Health Clinic offers ED treatment plans that are tailor-made for you. Click here to schedule a free appointment

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