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ED Through Women’s Eyes 

ED Through Women’s Eyes 

by Men's Health Clinic

Erectile dysfunction may be a men’s health issue, but that doesn’t mean it’s an issue exclusive to men. You read that right - ED can also be a problem for women. How do women feel about erectile dysfunction? How do they interact with men with ED? More importantly, how does it affect the way they view their relationship with men? 

As the one dealing with erectile dysfunction, it’s important for a man to understand how the problem can affect his partner. This way, he can address his ED in a way that minimises the negative impact it has on his partner and their relationship. To answer these questions, we’re taking a closer look at ED from a woman’s point of view.

ED Encounters 

If you’re a man with ED, you may think your partner would be going through such an uncommon situation. However, that doesn’t seem to be the case. In one survey, almost 80 percent of female respondents said they experienced their partner losing their erection during sexual activity. This makes sense; after all, erectile dysfunction is one of the most common men’s health issues. 

Seeing so many women having experience with ED is terrible, but there is something good to be said about this. As a man, it means you’re not dealing with something so unheard of. ED happens to four out of ten men in Australia. It’s a big deal, but you don’t have to feel scared or embarrassed to seek help because it’s something that can happen to any other man. 

Whose Fault Is ED? 

One of the biggest problems for women who have a partner with ED is the blame game. While ED can be caused by a variety of physical and psychological factors, a lot of men (and even the women themselves) put the blame on the woman in the relationship. In the same survey above, 14.7 percent of the respondents were told they were the reason for their men’s ED. A different study from UK shows a more significant figure – around 40% - were blamed by either their partners or themselves

You must assure your woman that she is not to blame for your ED.  As a man, you must understand how such accusations can be hurtful towards your partner. Keep in mind that for a problem like ED, blaming your woman does nothing but hurt your relationships and her self-esteem. A healthier approach to this is to treat her as a valuable source of emotional support and a partner who can help you effectively manage your ED, be it through couple’s therapy, trying a new lifestyle change, or any other effort towards fixing the problem.  

Dodging the Issue 

Performance anxiety can be very difficult for some men, so they try to avoid sex altogether. According to a survey, about 19 percent of the respondents get rejected by their partner, with the man using body fatigue as a common excuse. Other common excuses include having had too much to drink or being simply not in the mood. 29 percent of the respondents said their men simply didn’t say anything about their ED. 

As a man, what does this mean for you? Simple - it shows how hiding your ED does more than delay your recovery from it. Trying to weasel your way out of sex with your partner can be a very frustrating experience for them. At worst, she might feel like you don’t want her and grow resentful of you. Telling her you have ED isn’t exactly a fun experience, but it’s way better than all the grief that both of you will go through if you keep dodging the issue. 

A Risk to the Relationship 

Aside from ED getting worse over time if left untreated, not doing anything about it can also put your relationship at risk. Research has shown that women who are in a relationship with men struggling with ED are more likely to suffer from living a low quality of life and lack of sincere communication with their partners. This means your partner could reach a breaking point and decide to move on from your relationship if you don’t do anything about it. 

On the other hand, a relationship can grow stronger despite your ED if you are open about communicating with her and showing your efforts to get it treated. As a man, you must know that your dedication towards treating your ED is a gesture that shows you value the moments of intimacy that you share with her. Furthermore, this attitude towards ED also makes it more encouraging for the woman to help you with your treatment. 


Erectile dysfunction is a man’s problem, but it can have a serious effect on your partner and your relationship with her. Ignoring it can put your relationship at risk, but doing everything you can to deal with it can do the opposite and strengthen your bond. Do not hesitate to seek all the help you can get to treat your ED, and she will be happy to be with you all the way. 

Choose a reliable treatment plan for your erectile dysfunction. Men's Health Clinic offers bespoke ED management options for great results. Click here to schedule a free appointment with us. 

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