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Whiskey Business: How Holiday Drinking Can Ruin Your Sexual Performance

Whiskey Business: How Holiday Drinking Can Ruin Your Sexual Performance

Are you planning to get wasted this holiday? Hold up! You might want to put a pause on that if you plan to get intimate and don't want to nerf your sexual performance. This article delves into alcohol and explores its adverse effects on male sexual health. 

Alcohol is a Drug 

Alcohol refers to any beverage containing ethanol, a psychoactive ingredient responsible for making you feel drunk. There are several types of alcohol, which differ in the amount of ethanol present, and the ingredients used to create the concoction. The World Health Organisation (WHO) states that no amount of alcohol can be considered completely safe, as it contains harmful substances. A study found that alcohol can impair our mitochondria

Alcohol is also linked to over 200 diseases and injuries. Long-term and heavy alcohol consumption has been associated with liver disease, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, obesity, anxiety, and depression. These conditions can cause erectile dysfunction. Men may also develop alcohol dependence and alcohol addiction. While reducing the number of drinks you consume can help prevent health problems, alcohol can be potent, and some of us may be particularly sensitive to its short-term negative effects. 

Why We Drink More During the Holidays 

We’ve explained that alcohol is a drug. What we’ve yet to mention is that it’s specifically classified as a social drug. Culturally, we often open a bottle of liquor to celebrate or mark important occasions, especially when surrounded by others. This is because alcohol lowers inhibitions. Many people view alcohol as a way to overcome their ‘shyness’ or social anxiety, which explains why alcohol consumption peaks during the holiday season

Traditional holiday drinks include bourbon, rum, and whiskey. These darker spirits make it easier to become intoxicated and experience a hangover due to their high alcohol content. On average, they contain 40% alcohol, which is on the higher end. Martinis, which typically contain around 15% alcohol, are also popular, though this depends on the mixture, as tweaking drinks have become increasingly common. Additionally, there is a widespread cultural tendency to get ‘wasted’ during special occasions, viewing them as an opportunity to indulge. 

Binge Drinking and Sexual Health 

Despite the hazards, alcohol is so ingrained in our culture that we’ve even turned drinking into games, such as taking as many shots as possible or downing a glass as quickly as we can. While this may seem entertaining, we often face a hangover that leaves us uncomfortable for a day. We might also experience an alcohol-induced blackout, where we cannot remember what happened while we were drunk. In the worst-case scenario, alcohol poisoning can occur, which may be fatal. 

Alcohol does not spare any of our physiological processes, which means it’s also detrimental to our sexual health. Here are some of the negative impacts of binge drinking on your sexual function: 

‘Whiskey Dick’ 

A phenomenon in which one develops short-term erectile dysfunction after drinking too much is known as ‘whiskey dick’. It’s called ‘whiskey dick’ because whiskey is one of the hard liquors that can impair your erectile capacity. However, you can experience ‘whiskey dick’ even with lighter cocktails if you drink too many. Alcohol use can lead to ED due to its suppression of nerve signals and the increase of angiotensin, which constricts blood vessels. 

Testosterone Deficiency 

Binge drinking can also reduce your testosterone levels, as alcohol damages your testes and disrupts your neuroendocrine system. Your risk of developing hypogonadism, another term for testosterone deficiency, increases with prolonged and heavy alcohol consumption. Testosterone is critical for achieving erections as it aids in vasodilation, the relaxation of your blood vessels. It’s also essential for producing healthy sperm

Low Libido 

Research shows that alcohol consumption is linked to a reduced sex drive. This isn’t surprising, as testosterone is crucial for experiencing arousal. Since alcohol depresses your nervous system, it can also diminish the sensations you feel. Some men report feeling numb after drinking alcohol. It’s also difficult to feel aroused when you’re fatigued, a common side effect of alcohol. Even if you retain some level of sex drive or have no issues with achieving an erection, alcohol can still make it harder to ejaculate

Whiskey Business: How Holiday Drinking Can Ruin Your Sexual Performance 

Male Infertility 

Testosterone is needed to produce healthy sperm, which is why alcohol can contribute to fertility issues. However, alcohol further decreases your chances of conceiving by raising your estrogen levels and causing your testicles to shrink. Research also shows that higher alcohol consumption is correlated with a lower sperm count. Even if your sperm count is adequate, alcohol can still cause problems by affecting sperm morphology, which may lead to birth complications. 

Reducing the Risks of Alcohol 

The American Heart Association states that even just one glass of alcohol can increase your blood pressure, so alcohol will always carry some level of risk. However, you can avoid the more dangerous outcomes by following these tips: 

  • Eat before you drink – Drinking on an empty stomach makes you more susceptible to intoxication and the resulting hangover. Make sure to enjoy some of those delicious holiday cuisines to slow down the absorption of alcohol. This may explain why some cultures pair liquors with snacks. 
  • Avoid other drugs – Wherever you are, make sure to avoid other substances with psychoactive ingredients. It’s unwise to combine recreational drugs with alcohol, as this can accelerate intoxication and even lead to a drug overdose. Remember that alcohol already impairs your ability to make sound judgments. If you’re on prescription medication, consult your doctor about its potential negative interaction with alcohol. 
  • Choose lighter cocktails – It would be in your best interest to opt for liquors with a lower alcohol content. These are often mixed with other beverages, which make them tastier. If you’re planning to create your own concoction, you can search for healthier holiday cocktail recipes. However, if you feel you must drink bourbon or whiskey, sip it as slowly as possible. 
  • Inform people about your limits – Let the people you’re partying with know in advance that you’re trying to reduce your alcohol intake. This way, they’ll be aware and less likely to invite you to a binge drinking session. Set their expectations by explaining that you’re not abstaining entirely but simply won’t be having too many glasses. 
  • Consume non-alcoholic drinks – If self-control is an issue, you could drink other beverages to reduce the urge to consume alcohol. There are mocktails that mimic the taste of liquor but contain no alcohol. Alternatively, you can drink plain water, which will also help prevent overeating and weight gain during the holiday celebrations. 

Drink Responsibly this Holiday 

You can still enjoy a drink this holiday season without wrecking your health. Just be mindful of the amount and type of alcohol you consume. However, even with occasional drinking, alcohol can negatively affect your sexual performance. If you’re experiencing prolonged sexual difficulties, book an appointment with us. We’ll help determine if alcohol is the culprit and provide treatment tailored just for you! 


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